Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Diss With Auto-tune?

Charles Hamilton - Word? Aight! (Soulja Boy Diss)'

Some nonsense bewteen Soulja Boy and Evan Washington Charles Hamilton. Read it for yourself.

(Taken From 2Dopeboyz)

1. With all the madness that recently involved Ice-T and Soulja Boy, what is your take on the thoughts that his kind of music is proving to be more detrimental than beneficial to hip-hop?

I’ve said this in my blog, and I’ll say it again: Soulja Boy is the best rapper alive because if you diss him you will automatically lose, just because if Soulja Boy responds, niggas is gonna pay more attention to what he has to say than you. Not only did Ice-T come at him wrong, he came at a kid wrong, and Soulja Boy came back and said exactly what a little kid would say: “You old-ass nigga, I had respect for you because you were a forefather. Now you can kiss my ass.” And as far as detriment to music, people need to look at Shawty Lo and these cats that come out and do exactly what everyone else is doing, but worse. Shawty Lo is a really bad impersonation of Jeezy… I can’t sit still knowing that that hot ass beat (”Dey Know”) went to a cat like that, and it took a remix for me to really pay attention to him. There are rappers out there who are bodying hip-hop, like murdering it. As much as Fat Joe has a legendary career, he’s not doing anything for the progression for it. You were part of Diggin’ In The Crates with Big L; how do you go from that to “I Won’t Tell?”There has to be some kind of balance. And if this comes across as disrespect my fault; it’s just there’s more people besides Soulja Boy that are responsible for what’s happening in hip-hop, and they won’t take responsibility because they call themselves “legends.”


Friday, December 12, 2008


So its been about 20 minutes since my last only post and the world is still pretty much the same. Obama is still president electee, racism is alive and kicking, and Kanye is still doing music.

Always Providing Breaking News - N.I.B.

Just A Start

Why every blog gotta have an intro?